Learn about investing in art, followed by a private tour (optional) of Sotheby's mid-season auction
Dear Members:
The Wharton Club of Hong Kong is pleased to have Kevin Ching, CEO Sotheby’s Asia, to be next speaker. Mr. Ching will talk about “Art & Auction”. As we approach the holiday season, it would be a delight to learn about art collection, whether as a hobby or as another form of investment (and a way to spend the elusive year-end bonuses!).
A private tour of Sotheby’s mid-season auction at their gallery will be followed after the luncheon. Seats are very limited. Please sign up ASAP.
Event Details
Date: Monday, November 24, 2014
Time: 12.30pm
Venue: Harcourt Suite, the Hong Kong Club, 1 Jackson Road, Central.
Cost: HK$450 (3 course meal)
Guests: Wharton Club members are welcome to bring guests.
Please RSVP by clicking this: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YLYuOpga3QZDWsINeriyNYRJUNgxJ23t-ZHBIPt2GCE/viewform?c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_link
Payments should be made to the Club’s account at HSBC (#502-411531-001), with receipt of payment emailed to Jeremy Lam at [email protected].
Mr. Kevin Ching is the Chief Executive Officer of Sotheby’s Asia, responsible for developing the strategic expansion in the region, particularly into mainland China. Previously, Mr. Ching was Board Executive Director and Legal Counsel for Dickson Concepts (International) Limited, in charge of the company's legal and general business affairs in the international world of luxury fashion, watches and jewellery. Mr Ching was educated both in Hong Kong and England, and holds a Master's degree in Law from London University.
Thank you for your attention.
Wharton Club of Hong Kong